Inputting Greek Letters:
I use the following encoding, which seems the most intuitive, though it does not match any current standard I know. Because I use th, kh, and ph for theta, chi, and phi, I cannot used h for eta. I therefore use capital letters for long vowels (E = eta, O = omega) and the obsolete last letter that was probably some sort of s (S = sampi). The only really tricky symbol is Y for psi (from the shape). I cannot use ps because that could be taken as either psi (700) or pi-sigma (280).

α : aβ : bγ : gδ : dε : eϝ : wζ : zη : Eθ : th
ι : iκ : kλ : lμ : mν : nξ : xο : oπ : pϟ : q
ρ : rσ : sτ : tυ : uφ : phχ : khψ : Yω : Oϡ : S